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WePlay Music School Policies

Please read careful before proceeding to check out.


Payments are non-refundable once a student has commenced their class.​​​


Tardy Arrival

WePlay Music is not responsible for the loss of time should the student arrive late to the Intro Violin Class.


Student Absence

In case of a student's absence, we request to be notified at least 24 hours in advance. Please note that we do not offer make-up lessons for this class.


Teacher's Absences or school fault

In the event of a teacher's absence, a substitute teacher will be assigned to teach the scheduled class. Students who refuse the substitute teacher will still be charged for the class session. If we cannot provide a substitute, an alternative class time will be offered with the regular teacher. 


Student Drop-Off and Safety

When bringing your child to music lessons, please ensure they make it to their lesson and the teacher is present. Do not drop off your child in the parking lot or leave them unattended. WePlay Music and its teachers and staff are not responsible for unattended students before and/or after classes/lessons.


Classroom Behavior

Students are expected to always treat their peers, teachers, and staff with respect. Behavior that is in any way unruly, disruptive, or disrespectful is unacceptable and will not be tolerated and may lead to immediate discontinuation from the program.


Medical emergencies

WePlay Music does not maintain any training with respect to medical or health-related emergencies. In an apparent medical emergency, WePlay Music will use its best efforts to address the situation but does not guarantee any outcome.


Equipment and Instruments

When using school instruments or equipment, students are expected to handle them with care. Any damages caused due to negligence will be charged to the responsible party.


Communication Methods

Our primary means of communication is via email and phone. Please update your contact information and check your email regularly for updates, announcements, and important notices. Any changes in personal information, especially contact details, should be communicated to WePlay Music at the earliest to ensure uninterrupted communication.


Photo/Video Release

Any photographs, audio, or videos of students or families at WePlay Music facilities and/or events may be used in promotions, publications, websites, social media, or press releases.

Solicitation and Teachers

Seeking private instruction or soliciting WePlay Music teachers is strictly prohibited. WePlay Music is not contracted to provide tuition with a particular teacher. Teachers may change due to unavoidable circumstances.


Referral Discounts or Programs: We value our WePlay Music community and, as a token of appreciation, offer referral discounts for current students who refer new students. Details of our referral program can be obtained from the front desk.​

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